Submitting Material to

Web content can be published to in a number of ways, depending on the nature of the material.  Please choose the appropriate type of submission from below:

Personal Page information
    Please send information or updates by email directly to the webmaster

Additions to existing pages (eg Tech Tips)
    Please submit pages in either plain text or single page html to the webmaster.  If necessary the text will be reformatted to fit the style of the web.

Complete sub-webs
    Complete webs can be added to the site provided they follow these rules:
        * The main page is named default.htm
        * The contents can be fully contained within a single subdirectory on the server
        * Graphics are kept to a reasonable size, and thumbnailed where appropriate
    Content can be published in three ways:
        * Emailing content to the webmaster.
        * FTPing content into a temporary web (contact the webmaster to setup this facility)
        * Using Frontpage to publish to a temporary web.
    The webmaster will publish material to the public web site once it has been checked.