Meeting 5 Whenuapai Airbase
Wings 'N' Wheels Motor racing 1998


Well, this was not so much a meet, as someone elses rather large event, the annual Wings 'N' Wheels, at which I (Stuart) usually help, and a few of the Supras people came along also (thanks, guys and girls..) to give a hand.  It was a great couple of days, with lots of racing, aircraft displays, etc.  Not much Supra action, although we sneaked along with the MR2 club during the parade of cars, and did a *much* better burnout down the track than they could manage (hey.. SOMEONE had left water on the track....).

This is a great event with a HUGE range of racing happening, something for everyone, but nothing too serious.  The event is arranged by TACCOC, the Thoroughbred and Classic Cars Owners Club in New Zealand.

Number 44, pictured below, shows what happens to Jags (XJS V12..) who race without water cooled brakes ;)