> The notch in my oil pan where the drain plug screws in looks to be part > of the design, as it a smooth indentation which looks nothing like any > part got crushed or broken off. Does anyone else have one of these there? > > > > I think any 18mm copper drain plug washer will do. They > > sell some generic ones at pep Boys for $1. Is the notch > > you have on the pan flange? It doesn't sound good to me > > if you get leaks at the factory recommended torque for > > the drain bolt. > >I had *perminant* oil leaks with copper washers on my one 7m-gteu, but they stopped the moment I changes to the 'proper' toyota washer - They one I was suppled was a fabric (kind of loke impregnated felt) thing - with glue on it! - well, the fsurface was a little sticky - the local repair dude (who later did my full engine replacement - he is a very good, if very slow, mechanic..) insisted that only the proper washer would do - and he was right! (In my case..)